Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • ANR Verso ECOScells 10/2009-12/2012

    Participants: Anis Ouni, Hervé Rivano, Fabrice Valois

    The objective of ECOScells is to study energy efficient microcells networks. Hervé Rivano is leader for Inria side and of the work package focusing on energy efficient wireless backhauling.

  • ANR ARESA2 03/2010-08/2013.

    Participants: Alexandre Mouradian, Isabelle Augé-Blum, Fabrice Valois

    The partners in the ANR ARESA2 project are: Orange Labs, Coronis, Inria, LIG, Télécom Bretagne, VERIMAG. Our contributions focus on: resiliency of routing protocols in WSN; how to exploit the heterogeneity in wireless multi-hop network; real-time and QoS support in routing protocols for WSN. This project will end in August 2013. Alexandre Mouradian (Ph.D student) is funded by ARESA2.

Pôle ResCom

  • Ongoing participation (since 2006)

    Communication networks, working groups of GDR ASR, CNRS (http://rescom.inrialpes.fr ). Hervé Rivano is member of the scientific committee of Rescom.